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3 Most Important Questions you’ll ask yourself this year

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Reflective advancements are needed to assess where you go in 2023 and how you grow forward.

At the beginning of 2022 I chose my word for the year...“COURAGE”

I knew what it truly meant and I know the journey of an entrepreneur is not an easy one. I made a conscious decision that I was going to tackle my fears head on. I wasn’t going to let my brain talk me out of things and in so doing I fed my courage. I remembered it every time I needed to tackle something, approach someone or try something new. The problem we have as entrepreneurs is that we often feel that we are the only ones going through these things and the truth is we’re not.

What is your word, phrase or quote for 2023 that you are going to use as a beacon to navigate this year?

Now that you have that, you need to be able to find the right support and allow yourself the opportunity to make your journey easier and lift the overwhelm and anxiety we often carry as parents and business owners. We have double the responsibility with half the time if you really think about it.

We need to start realizing that its ok to ask for help. It’s ok to say no to things too. It’s ok not to know everything and feel like we have all the answers. We don’t have to compare ourselves to others either.

I usually summarize this into a success roadmap to help navigate this process faster and more effectively in a process I refer to as The Success Roadmap "EXPLORE, EVOLVE, EXPAND"

This allows you to simplify your journey so that you can grow your business with confidence. Take the pressure off by transforming your overwhelm and frustration into clarity and confidence that attracts new opportunities. Also, move past the things that hold you back from the success you deserve and work so hard for.

Give yourself the well deserved time to invest in some powerful reflection that may change the way you do things going forward.

Use the below to answer the 3 questions that follow when rating your life and business:

“1” - not being at all in line with your vision. While a

“10” - indicates a perfect representation of where you want to be.

3 Questions you need to ask yourself:

1. What would a 10 out of 10 life and business look like for you?

Vision – think about the most fulfilled you could feel. It’s about the emotion attached, the feeling of where you want to be and where you want your business to be.

What do you want it to look and feel like?

Start being the person that fulfils that kind of vision.

The key lies in the steps you take to get there.

What will that look like for you?

2. What would you rate where you are at currently out of 10?.

There is always room to grow and that’s the exciting part. To mould a life and business that is purposeful and fulfilling.

The real reason for your WHY.

When things get tough as they will in business, it is the strength of that “why” that is going to keep you pushing forward, making strides and against all odds coming out the other side…stronger!

3. If you’re not at a “10” yet, what would it take to get there?

What actions are needed to get to a “10”? – think deeply and stretch your mind

A goal is not just a plan you put in place to follow…A Goal is GROWTH.

A goal should stretch you. If your goal does not push you it is not a goal.

How are you going to stretch yourself?

What is the result that you will have when you achieve this goal and how will you and your business have changed as a result?

What are the steps that are going to get you there?

There is something amazing about putting it down on paper, for me, it puts the plan in motion.

It is important to have an idea of what you want to achieve, know what you need to be to get there and be flexible in achieving it. To flex our plans and morph into powerful, resilient businesses that by that very nature strengthens us to be able to withstand adverse pressure and unpredictability.

How do we manage these visions to contribute to a better society, be innovative and provide unique solutions to challenges that our clients and the world at large are facing?

Let 2023 be the year it all “magically” happened.

I challenge you to invest in yourself and allow yourself to get out of your own way so that you may flourish and attract new, premium opportunities. Build a life and business that will see growth in multitudes and be a catalyst for a better tomorrow for everyone around you.

Best of Luck!

What describes you here?

  • I feel motivated and am ready to start this year fresh

  • I want to invest in myself and grow my business this year

  • I'm not ready for this year. Don't think I can do it

  • I think I can do this, I just don't know how

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